All Nations Leadership Institute Course Offerings
Communication Across Cultures (Online & On-campus)
Many different cultures make up the face of today’s church, and, as servant leaders, we have a unique need to communicate effectively with every member of the Body of Christ. This class facilitates sensitivity to the various cultural backgrounds within a diverse congregation. Students learn practical intercultural communication skills and strategies for ministry. Course experiences emphasize self reflection, leadership practices in the context of the local church, and on-the-spot class and field interactions. Session outline features 1) M.O.S.A.I.C. Framework for Unity in Christ and Transformational Communication, 2) Differences in Communication, 3) Cultural Patterns in Communication, 4) Cultural Taxonomy, 5) Verbal and Non Verbal Communication, and 6) Towards Cross-Cultural Competency.
Conflict Resolution (On-campus)
Jesus called us to be peacemakers. Recognizing and resolving conflict enables believers to develop Christ-like character in a peacemaking capacity. In turn, it creates opportunities to reconcile those in conflict. Therefore, we must equip ourselves to handle conflicts and minimize it as much as possible. Whether it is a conflict of ideas, interests, feelings, or actions, this course seeks to teach students practical applications of peacemaking with biblically-based methods. Students will examine topics such as the role of a peacemaker, importance of love and forgiveness in dealing with disagreements, active listening, conflict prevention and one’s style of resolving conflict.
Doer of the Word: A Study in James (On-campus)
First-century Jewish Christians struggled with persevering through hardship, maintaining good works, promoting peace in their churches, and living patiently in anticipation of the Lord’s return. They knew Jesus as the Way of life, but they needed a travel guide for walking that Way through life. We struggle, too! This class focuses on cultivating mature faith within each Christian believer and deepens their understanding of the relationship between faith and works. In the midst of the struggles of everyday life, we can all use a dose of James’s hands-on Christianity and become doers of the Word!
Evangelism (On-campus)
This course promotes powerful evangelism strategies to use in an urban, multicultural environment. It equips the student with a tool kit of scriptural truths about salvation and techniques for evangelism in a variety of settings. Through classroom learning experiences, the student will examine how the early church adapted evangelism methods for different people groups and situations, while keeping to the message of the Gospel. Based on this knowledge, the student will practice “on the spot” evangelism to different real-life examples, discuss case studies, develop their own evangelism tool kit and reflect on Scripture.
Call and Covenant: The Story of David (Online)
The placement of David on the throne was of major significance in God’s redemptive purpose and was essential to the establishment of godly rule in Israel. This course provides an analysis of the Davidic covenant and explores the life of David against the context of contemporary issues in Christian life. Instruction includes hermeneutical skills in language, context, literary genre and theological analysis.
Discipleship Across Cultures (On-campus)
This course responds to diversity in urban ministry investigating issues in pastoral leadership. The course features six overlapping sessions that bring theory into real-life ministry application: (1) discipleship, (2) worldview, (3) teaching the Word, (4) restoring the fallen, (5) developing the leaders around you, and discipleship plan presentation.
Fruit of the Spirit (On-campus)
Matthew 7:16-17 states, “You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles, are they? So every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit” (NASB). God’s Spirit produces the fruit of the Spirit in us. These fruit reflect the goodness, faithfulness, and self-restraint inherent in God’s nature. This course will provide the student with an in-depth education on each of the nine fruit of the Spirit named in Gal 5:22-23. Every session will highlight one or two of the nine. The student will learn, with the help of the Holy Spirit, how to apply these gifts to one’s life..
Jesus Across the Gospels (On-campus)
There is nothing more exciting or important than studying the life of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ and learning how the Gospel writers (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) capture a complete and compelling picture of Christ’s identity. The study of Jesus brings each of us to the realization that Scripture dictates “for there is no other name under the heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12, NIV). The Jesus Across the Gospels class is for anyone who wishes to know Jesus more intimately and wants to learn about His teachings, miracles and resurrection work, and how it applies and works for believers today. When it comes to our redemption, Jesus is the only thing that truly matters.
Leading in a Diverse Church (On-campus)
This course provides basic instruction on how to respond to diversity in urban, church ministry. It provides primary field experiences for pastoral leaders. The course features six, overlapping modules that bring theory into real-life ministry application: (1) understanding the biblical framework for unity; (2) leading cross-culturally; (3) grounding ministry in love; (4) setting the table for multicultural ministry; (5) supporting mosaic communities and (6) preaching to a diverse audience.
Pastoral Care (On-campus)
In a world besieged by daily crisis, many turn to the local church for nourishment, guidance, healing and answers to their problems. Pastoral Counseling is a unique form of counseling which uses spiritual resources, as well as psychological understanding, for healing, growth and answers to many problems. This introductory course introduces a model for short-term biblical counseling that incorporates knowledge and practice in counseling skills, cognitive behavior approaches and biblical teaching. The course prepares and equips the student to minister effectively to hurting people by learning to: listen, diagnose, discern, develop the proper response, enable hurting people to change their behavior, relieve their distress and help them replace it with something more rewarding.
Old Testament (On-campus)
This course presents an overview of Old Testament redemptive history. Students will explore the history and theology of the Old Testament, as well as connect key concepts from it to the New. Further, students will study Old Testament prophecy, with an emphasis on the First and Second Comings of Jesus Christ. It is hoped the student gain a better understanding of the Old Testament, which leads to learning about the coming of Jesus Christ in the New Testament.
New Testament (On-campus)
Redemption: A New Testament Story content focuses on fulfillment of messianic prophecy, progressive revelation of God in Jesus Christ, earthly ministry of Jesus, call to apostle, establishment of the early church, missionary journeys of Apostle Paul, and the Great Commission. This course also features ministry skill development such as personal self-direction, peer leading, collaboration, self-assessment and reflection.
Serving in Multicultural Ministry (On-campus)
This course prepares the student for servant leadership as a pastor in a multi-ethnic, church culture. Each student will examine and explore traits, beliefs, and behaviors critical to ministerial leadership. Topics of study include the role of the pastorship, daily spiritual practices, pastoral integrity, synergistic leadership for Kingdom living, visioneering in a changing culture, and missional leadership. Learning experiences feature real-life application in ministry, with an emphasis on self reflection. As part of this course, students are expected to self evaluate, problem solve, decision make, use active listening skills, and collaborate.
Spiritual Disciplines (On-campus)
In Spiritual Disciplines for Kingdom Living the student will learn and study the plan of God for a believer’s life, establish a deeper relationship with God and understand how to communicate with Him. Additionally, this course will help the student develop a personal walk with God, recognize His voice, and provide ministry preparation.
The Tabernacle (On-campus)
As the positioning of everything in the Tabernacle held extreme importance, the structure of this class is arranged for you to gain knowledge of the positioning and how it relates to the redemption plan of God by exploring every part of the Tabernacle – from the Ark of the Covenant to the smallest pin and cord of the Outer Court. Additionally, the student will study the types and shadows that reflect the hand of God through Jesus Christ as they connect with future events that were to take place in the New Testament.
Works of the Spirit (On-campus)
As the positioning of everything in The Works of the Spirit class focuses on the gifts and fruit of the Holy Spirit. In this course, students dive into how the works of the Spirit operated in the post-Day of Pentecost Church. The works of the Spirit can operate today as it did in the New Testament. Additionally, students learn about each gift and every aspect of the Holy Spirit in both how and why they operate.
Please see the Leadership Course Tracks for detailed program information.